Signaling Systems in Development


Conserved Signaling Systems Used in the Development of Animals

Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) EGF EGF receptors Argos
FGF (Branchless) FGF receptors (Breathless)
ephrins Eph receptors
TGFb superfamily TGFb TGFb receptors chordin (Sog), noggin
BMP (Dpp) BMP receptors
Wnt Wnt (Wingless) Frizzled Dickkopf, Cerberus
Hedgehog Hedgehog Patched, Smoothened

Sonic HedgeHog

Patched - SHH Receptor

Smoothened (co-receptor)

(A) In the absence of Hedgehog, the Patched receptor inhibits Smoothened probably by promoting the degradation or intracellular sequestration of Smoothened. The Ci protein is located in a protein complex and is cleaved to form a transcriptional repressor, which accumulates in the nucleus to help keep Hedgehog target genes inactive. The protein complex includes the serine/threonine kinase Fused, the anchoring protein Costal (which binds the complex to microtubules), and the adaptor protein Suppressor of Fused. (B) Hedgehog binding to Patched relieves the inhibition of Smoothened, which now signals to the protein complex to stop processing Ci, to dissociate from microtubules, and to release the unprocessed Ci so it can accumulate in the nucleus and activate the transcription of Hedgehog-responsive genes. Most of the molecular events in the pathway are unknown.

Wnt proteins

Wnt and Hedgehog signaling Compared

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From Nusse Development 130, 5297-5305 2003 The Company of Biologists Ltd

Fibroblast Growth Factor

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) was originally identified as acidic or basic, and we now know there to be at least 17 different FGFs. These protein growth factors are bound by 4 different cell membrane receptors (FGFR1-4). FGFRs belong to the tyrosine kinase receptor family.

FGF Receptor

Platelet derived Growth Factor (PDGF) Receptor Compared with FGF receptor


Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-b) is a protein growth factor acting through membrane receptors to signal proliferation and differentiation in many different cell types. There are a large number of different proteins belonging to this family. They can also interact with other growth factors to stimulate or inhibit their action. Bone morphogenic protein (BMP) functions to induce cartilage and bone formation and belongs to the Transforming Growth Facto -beta (TGF-beta) family.

TGF-beta Receptor

TGF-beta receptors (Type I and Type II) dimerize to form an active threonine serine kinase which autophosphorylates and recruits and activates Smads.

Note that TGF-b is a dimer and that Smads open up to expose a dimerization surface when they are phosphorylated. Several features of the pathway have been omitted for simplicity, including the following: (1) The type-I and type-II receptor proteins are both thought to be dimers. (2) The type-I receptors are normally associated with an inhibitory protein, which dissociates when the type-I receptor is phosphorylated by a type-II receptor. (3) The individual Smads are thought to be trimers. (4) An anchoring protein (called SARA, for Smad anchor for receptor activation) helps to recruit Smad2 or Smad3 to the activated type I receptor by binding to the receptor, to the Smad, and to inositol phopholipid molecules in the plasma membrane. (5) The function of certain Smads is regulated by enzymes that enhance their ubiquitylation and thereby their degradation.
